Friday, March 30, 2007

Gone Fishin'

Sometimes, you get reactions from people that show you that they really don't know you as well as they think they do. Case in point: As I write this, I'm happily settled in front of my parents' TV watching one of my favourite shows, "Gone Fishin". GF is a Saturday afternoon pleasure - one that I will happily admit to in social conversation. Yet, time after time, when I have expressed my enthusiasm for this show, I am met with reactions of surprise and disbelief from friends and colleagues. "Are you SERIOUS?" "You REALLY like to watch Gone Fishin?"

But I say, what's not to like? I like fishing, and GF takes all the best bits of the fishing process and condenses them into an action-packed half hour. The baiting, the catching, the cooking, with very little of the boring bits (the waiting, for example). Furthermore, the locations are fantastic, it showcases New Zealand like it's heaven on Earth, and it's almost always beautiful weather.

So why the disbelief from my friends? Perhaps they haven't really given it a chance?

I once heard that "Gone Fishin" was a big hit on US cable television. I'm not surprised. I bet my Uncle Butch in Texas would love it :)


  1. Coz people don't listen and observe as intently as they should, that's why.

    Or maybe for this specific case, Gone Fishin' sounds like a horrible half hour (or however long it is) for most people... and the horror just implodes their cognitive function momentarily.

    I don't mean to bombard your blog with comments, but I'm just making a statement with the whole mass email vs. blogging thing. :p

  2. or, i'm just travelling in the wrong circles..? Perhaps I need to find and join a "Gone Fishin" community where, no doubt, I'll find many like-minded individuals who appreciate the show's greatness!

  3. *I* like Gone Fishing!!

    Ok, it's not appointment telly for me like it is for you, but when I'm sick of looking at houses for the day, and wonder what's on the telly, often I'll stop here and have a look at what the fisherman is cooking.
