Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Internship #1: The Heschel Centre

Apologies that I've been a little slack on the blogfront know....
Anyhoo, here's the first overdue posting about my PSJ internships. Internship #1 is for an organisation called the The Heschel Center. Their focus is sustainability education and leadership - they do so many interesting things, from operating a "Green Schools Network" to supporting local governments to develop policies and projects geared towards bringing Israel towards a more sustainable future. My main projects there relate to redevelopment of the English-language website, and newsletters for English-speaking supporters and donors to update them on all the fabulous work being undertaken by the Heschel Center. For the first month, I have a fellow intern working with me (Emilie from Northern California), and for the second month I'll be flying solo. In between the website and newsletters, all kinds of other jobs pop up, including editing reports, producing a promotional postcard/folder, etc. I like the people in the office, and the kitchen setup is very great for making coffee and chatting. The office is only about 15 mins walk from my apartment - as a matter of fact it's probably about the same distance as it was from my Mt Vic flat to NZCER! I walk down this street called Nachalat Binyamin, which seems to comprise about 10 solid blocks of fabric stores. Seriously, almost every store seems to be a fabric store. For 10 blocks. One of these mornings I'm going to take some photos to show you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Interesting! Are you responsible for the 'health and environment' section of the website? If so, can you fill me in?
